In general, the best way to get acquainted is by reading this manual, keeping up with Mattermost discussion on projects that interest you, and listening in on general meetings.
If you find you are lost, you can also reach out via Mattermost or WhatsApp.
To help, here are a few questions that may not have been covered thus far...
1. How does Glia decide on a project?
To determine if a project gets started, it must have the following criteria: is there a need, and is there a capability (i.e. can we accomplish it in a way that makes sense)?
One good example of this is the otoscope, where a project was proposed to fit a need at a time with the appropriate resources and opportunity.
2. What’s the best part about working at Glia?
Many of the principles that Glia is based on manifest into a healthy work culture that feels open, cooperative and fullfilling.
The autonomy of choosing the space that works best for you and having a voice in the team, gives a sense of inclusion and feeling that everyone's work is important.
As well, when you take a step back to appreciate the values that our work is supporting, and seeing how our community benefits from high-quality low-cost medical devices, you really see the worth of your work.
Plus, let's not forget Tarek's lemon loaf.